Serenity BDD Report
Report generated 06-09-2024 18:33:17

Test Results: All Tests

5 tests


Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 2
Total Number of Test Cases 5
Tests Started Sep 06, 2024 18:33:14
Tests Finished Sep 06, 2024 18:33:14
Total Duration 621ms
Fastest Test 94ms
Slowest Test 326ms
Average Execution Time 143ms
Total Execution Time 725ms

Functional Coverage Details


Feature Scenarios StepsText Test Cases % Pass Result Coverage
Expressions 2 Basic expressions #1 - expression: 2 + 3, expected_result: 5 Before When Sandra requests evaluation of 2 + 3 Sandra requests evaluation of "2 + 3" Sandra sends a GET request to /v4?expr endpoint for URL-encoded expression: 2 + 3 Sandra ensures that the status of the last response does equal 200 Then she should get 5 Sandra ensures that the body of the last response does equal 5 Basic expressions #2 - expression: 2 - 3, expected_result: -1 Before When Sandra requests evaluation of 2 - 3 Sandra requests evaluation of "2 - 3" Sandra sends a GET request to /v4?expr endpoint for URL-encoded expression: 2 - 3 Sandra ensures that the status of the last response does equal 200 Then she should get -1 Sandra ensures that the body of the last response does equal -1 Basic expressions #3 - expression: 2 * 2 + 2, expected_result: 6 Before When Sandra requests evaluation of 2 * 2 + 2 Sandra requests evaluation of "2 * 2 + 2" Sandra sends a GET request to /v4?expr endpoint for URL-encoded expression: 2 * 2 + 2 Sandra ensures that the status of the last response does equal 200 Then she should get 6 Sandra ensures that the body of the last response does equal 6 Basic expressions #4 - expression: 2 + 2 * 2, expected_result: 6 Before When Sandra requests evaluation of 2 + 2 * 2 Sandra requests evaluation of "2 + 2 * 2" Sandra sends a GET request to /v4?expr endpoint for URL-encoded expression: 2 + 2 * 2 Sandra ensures that the status of the last response does equal 200 Then she should get 6 Sandra ensures that the body of the last response does equal 6 Before When Sandra requests evaluation of: | expression | | 2 + 3 | | 2 - 3 | | 2 * 2 + 2 | | 2 + 2 * 2 | Sandra requests evaluation of multiple expressions Sandra sends a POST request to '/v4' Sandra ensures that the status of the last response does equal 200 Then she should get following results: | expected_result | | 5 | | -1 | | 6 | | 6 | Sandra ensures that the body of the last response does have property result that does equal [ "5", "-1", "6", "6" ] 5 100%

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 2 Total Duration 621ms
Total Number of Test Cases 5 Fastest Test 94ms
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 326ms
Tests Started Sep 06, 2024 18:33:14 Average Execution Time 143ms
Tests Finished Sep 06, 2024 18:33:14 Total Execution Time 725ms

Automated Scenarios

feature Scenario Context Steps StepsText Started Total Duration Result
Expressions Basic expressions
4 passing test cases
2 When Sandra requests evaluation of Then she should get 18:33:14 621ms SUCCESS
Expressions Multiple expressions 3 Before When Sandra requests evaluation of: | expression | |---| | 2 + 3 | | 2 - 3 | | 2 * 2 + 2 | | 2 + 2 * 2 | Then she should get following results: | expected_result | |---| | 5 | | -1 | | 6 | | 6 | 18:33:14 104ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.20