Serenity BDD Report
Home > The Internet - Authentication > Form-Based Authentication > Using username and password to log in
Report generated 12-12-2024 19:05

Form-Based Authentication

  Form-Based Authentication (feature)   1 To 10 Seconds (Duration)   Chrome 131.0.6778.108 (browser)   Linux (platform)   Authentication (capability)

Using username and password to log in

"The Internet" is an example application
that captures prominent and ugly functionality found on the web.
Perfect for writing automated acceptance tests against 😎
With Serenity/JS you can use Markdown
to better describe each Feature and Scenario.



Alice can:
  • PerformActivities
  • AnswerQuestions
  • RaiseErrors
  • ScheduleWork { scheduler: { clock: { timeAdjustment: { milliseconds: 0 } }, interactionTimeout: { milliseconds: 5000 } } }
  • BrowseTheWeb (BrowseTheWebWithWebdriverIO)
  • TakeNotes { notepad: {} }
  • CallAnApi { baseURL: "", headers: { common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*" } }, timeout: 10000 }

Scenario Outline

When she logs in using "<username>" and "<password>"
Then she should see that authentication has <outcome>


# Username Password Outcome
1 tomsmith SuperSecretPassword! succeeded
2 foobar barfoo failed
Steps Screenshots Outcome
SUCCESS 2s 455ms
SUCCESS 1s 740ms
Serenity BDD version 4.1.20