Serenity BDD Report
Report generated 16-10-2024 20:41:29

Test Results: All Tests

2 tests


Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 1
Total Number of Test Cases 2
Tests Started Oct 16, 2024 20:41:22
Tests Finished Oct 16, 2024 20:41:25
Total Duration 3s
Fastest Test 1s
Slowest Test 2s
Average Execution Time 1s
Total Execution Time 3s

Functional Coverage Details


Feature Scenarios StepsText Test Cases % Pass Result Coverage
Form-based authentication 1 Using username and password to log in #1 - username: tomsmith, password: SuperSecretPassword!, outcome: succeeded Given Alice starts with the "Form Authentication" example Alice navigates to "/" Alice picks example called Form Authentication Alice clicks on the first of available examples where Text does equal "Form Authentication" When she logs in using "tomsmith" and "SuperSecretPassword!" Alice logs in as tomsmith Alice enters "tomsmith" into username field Alice enters "SuperSecretPassword!" into password field Alice clicks on login button Then she should see that authentication has succeeded Alice verifies that authentication has succeeded Alice verifies that flash alert is present Alice ensures that flash message does become visible Alice ensures that the text of flash message does include "You logged into a secure area!" Using username and password to log in #2 - username: foobar, password: barfoo, outcome: failed Given Alice starts with the "Form Authentication" example Alice navigates to "/" Alice picks example called Form Authentication Alice clicks on the first of available examples where Text does equal "Form Authentication" When she logs in using "foobar" and "barfoo" Alice logs in as foobar Alice enters "foobar" into username field Alice enters "barfoo" into password field Alice clicks on login button Then she should see that authentication has failed Alice verifies that authentication has failed Alice verifies that flash alert is present Alice ensures that flash message does become visible Alice ensures that the text of flash message does include "Your username is invalid!" 2 100%

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 1 Total Duration 3s
Total Number of Test Cases 2 Fastest Test 1s
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 2s
Tests Started Oct 16, 2024 20:41:22 Average Execution Time 1s
Tests Finished Oct 16, 2024 20:41:25 Total Execution Time 3s

Automated Scenarios

feature Scenario Context Steps StepsText Started Total Duration Result
Form-based authentication Using username and password to log in
2 passing test cases
2 When she logs in using "" and "" Then she should see that authentication has 20:41:22 3s 857ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.20