Super Calculator with Serenity/JS
Home > Requirements > Super Calculator > Calculations
Report generated 17-10-2023 01:24
In order to learn how to use Serenity/JS with Cucumber and Protractor
As a Curious Developer
I'd like to see an example


The "Super Calculator" was developed by Julie Ralph, the author of Protractor, to demonstrate what Protractor is capable of.

By the way, did you notice that with Serenity/JS you can use Markdown to better describe each Feature and Scenario?

Given Callie decides to use the Super Calculator

When she adds 19 and 23

Then she should see that the result is 42

The great thing about Serenity/JS reports is that they aggregate all the examples from a Scenario Outline.

When she multiplies {first} and {second}

Then she should see that the result is {expected}


-5-315Negative numbers 
6212Positive numbers 

Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Automated Tests

Scenario Steps Started Duration Result
Adding numbers 3 01:24:33 2s 518ms SUCCESS
Multiplying numbers (2 examples) 2 01:24:36 4s 261ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 3.1.0