Alice can:
- PerformActivities (PerformActivitiesAsPlaywrightSteps)
- AnswerQuestions
- RaiseErrors
- ScheduleWork { scheduler: { clock: { timeAdjustment: { milliseconds: 0 } }, interactionTimeout: { milliseconds: 5000 } } }
- BrowseTheWeb (BrowseTheWebWithPlaywright)
- TakeNotes { notepad: { items: [ "buy some cheese", "feed the cat", "book a doctors appointment" ] } }
- CallAnApi { baseURL: "", headers: { common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*" } }, timeout: 10000 }
Bobby can:
- PerformActivities (PerformActivitiesAsPlaywrightSteps)
- AnswerQuestions
- RaiseErrors
- ScheduleWork { scheduler: { clock: { timeAdjustment: { milliseconds: 0 } }, interactionTimeout: { milliseconds: 5000 } } }
- BrowseTheWeb (BrowseTheWebWithPlaywright)
- TakeNotes { notepad: { items: [ "buy some cheese", "feed the cat", "book a doctors appointment" ] } }
- CallAnApi { baseURL: "", headers: { common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*" } }, timeout: 10000 }